The Scrollbars

On the lower and right border the scrollbars are located. Normally they behave no differently than usual. If, however, the lower-rightmost gadget is selected, the vertical scrollbar will be switched to the ``Page Scroll Mode''. At that the appearance will change as follows: Above the scrollbar an <#119#>OK<#119#>-button will appear, the previously selected button will change in a <#120#>NO<#120#>-switch and the scrollbar itself will display the current page. Now you can choose a page with the mouse. And lastly, with the <#121#>OK<#121#> gadget you jump to the marked page or you quit the Page Scroll Mode with the <#122#>NO<#122#> button.

This can be fully done with the keyboard as well. The ``s'' key switches on the Page Scroll Mode. An arbitrary page can then be selected with the cursor keys. It is actuated with all the keys that otherwise result in a change of the page (e.g. RETURN/ENTER/BACKSPACE). Repeated pressing of the ``s'' key equals the <#123#>NO<#123#> gadget, the ``Page Scroll Mode'' is left without change in the page number.

Another particularity keep the up- and down- arrows of the vertical scrollbar in store for you. If located on the end of a page, you can jump to the beginning of the next page by double-clicking on the arrow pointing down. Are you on the other hand on the beginning of a page, you can get to the end of the previous page with a double-click on the arrow pointing upward. This way you can, by only clicking the both arrows, scroll through the entire DVI file.

Of course, you can also switch off the scrollbars. Either with the key ``<#124#>o<#124#>'' or per menu entry ``<#125#>hide scrollbar<#125#>'' in the <#126#>outfit<#126#>-MenĂ¼. The state of the scrollbars, visible or not, can be saved in the configuration file, naturally.